JD Massey Classic

Golf Cart rentals available for JD Massey

We have partnered with Salty Frye's Golf Carts for the 2025 JD Massey Classic. Because of limited availability and for logistics purposes we will only be able to offer full length event rentals, and we can consider a daily rate on a case by case basis. 

4 Passenger Premium Gas Golf Cart - $600 (4 Day Rental Delivery Included) 

6 Passenger Premium Gas Golf Cart - $800 (4 Day Rental Delivery Included) 

There is Limited availability so reservations will be made on a First come first serve basis. 

Reservations Can be made by Calling the shop Directly at (864)-900-4332

Monday-Friday - 9:00 -5:00
Saturday     -     10:00 -3:00

Reservations must be made NO LATER THAN APRIL 1st to ensure that we are able to accommodate the most rentals to the best of our abilities. 


Welcome! The 2025 JD Massey Classic will be Wednesday through Saturday, April 9th through 12th for the 91st edition. We're so excited to welcome you back to the beautiful Upstate of South Carolina. We will have a full schedule of American Saddlebred, Hackney Pony, Roadster, and Equitation classes. We're a USEF Lite show and an ASHBA Star Show. This means that you can trust that this will be a safe and fair competition.

David Cater of Dunbarton, NH will serve as judge for all Saddlebred, Hackney Pony, Roadster, and Equitation classes, as well as for Saturday morning's Academy classes.

We'll also have several Morgan classes this year. Take a look on the Prize List. We're very excited.

The Board and Officials of the JD Massey Classic Appreciate Your Patronage

Added Classes

We will once again have the opportunity to add classes. Each class will be $400 for addition. Please contact show manager, Dan Shirley, to request.


EventMix and its sponsors will provide a free webcast of all sessions of the 2025 JD Massey Classic at www.eventmixlive.com.

Added Cash Again

In 2025, we will once again be adding $200 cash money to every Championship class-$100 to exhibitor and $100 to trainer. Plus, each Championship class will also have $200 for a random winner-$100 to exhibitor and $100 to trainer.

Key Contacts

Show Secretary:  Ms. Beth Snider; Shelbyville, KY; 502-314-7960

Horse Show Manager:  Mr. Dan Shirley; Simpsonville, SC

864-630-1669864-630-1669; dcsllc@charter.net

useful info


Sarah Peerce is the official photographer for JD Massey. Sarah is well known throughout our industry and we are excited to have her bringing her talents to our show. Sarah's web site is www.scbphoto.com.

In April 2025, the JD Massey Classic Horse Show celebrates its 91st year.  The original event, which started in June 1933, was known as The Greenville Horse Show.  The founding members' determination for the "show to go on" continued its success even during World War II.  This year's event, heralded as one of the longest continually running American Saddlebred shows in the country, is a reflection of similar determination.

Prize List and Entry Link

The 2025 Prize List and Entry Form will soon be available. The link to online entries is at www.horseshowsonline.com

USEF Competition Lite

Owners and riders are not required to be members of the Federation, but any competing member, 18 or older must have completed the SafeSport Training prior to the first day of competition. Anyone signing as trainer on the entry form, must be a competing member of USEF and must have completed the SafeSport Training prior to the first day of competition. Drug fees are not charged at a Competition Lite show, but any horse is subject to testing. Medication forms must be filed electronically.
Lite Competitions will award half-value HOTY points to all USEF recorded horses, whose owner is a competing member.

2025 JD Massey classic Show Classic will be april 9-12, 2025